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Cartagena, Colombia

Environmental Resources Trust (ERT), Winrock International, and the Tropical America Katoomba Group (TAKG) had the pleasure to host the symposium: Leveraging multiple environmental markets to support conservation projects in Latin America. 


To identify a strategy and design activities to capture opportunities and remove constraints to bundling market-driven payments for water, carbon, and biodiversity services in support of forest conservation in the Amazon Basin and tropical America. 



  1. To review opportunities and constraints to support forest conservation projects through the combined use of multiple market-based mechanisms that pay for the water, carbon, and biodiversity services provided by conservation activities 

  2. To agree on the key elements of a forward-looking strategy focused on institutional reforms and practical activities required to facilitate the use of multiple environmental services markets in support of forest conservation. 

  3. To outline a plan for facilitating the implementation of this strategy 



  • Active buyers of carbon, water, and biodiversity services in the Amazon Basin and tropical America 

  • Forward-looking developers and funders of conservation projects in the Amazon Basin and tropical America 


Location and Date: 

  • Hotel Charleston, Cartagena, Colombia 

  • February 18-19, 2007 


Avina Foundation PES Workshops- 2007 and 2008 

In 2007, the AVINA Foundation launched a series of workshops about Ecosystem Service markets (including not only carbon, but also biodiversity, biomass, and water) aimed to serve partners and members of the organization. 
The workshops began with a pilot project and were followed up with three similar workshops which were implemented sequentially in strategic places throughout Latin America (see below). The first workshop was held from October 15 to 18, 2007 in Curitiba and the rest were held in 2008. The workshops were designed and co-hosted by Forest Trends, The Katoomba Group, and AVINA. 
These capacity-building workshops aim to: 
a. Serve as a space for learning and a basis for to-scale replication; 
b. Offer a service of intensive capacitation oriented toward our partners and close contacts in distict regions within Latin America; 
c. "Socialize" the opportunities offered by these new markets towards actors who are just entering the scene; 
d. Serve as a seed for intensive, collective, international action. 
Basic themes for content for these workshops include: 
a. The status and tendencies of global and national policies about climate change; 
b. Emerging carbon and environmental service markets; 
c. Analyzing opportunities (necessary conditions for entering in the market); 
d. Concrete steps to follow to realize transactions; 
e. Previous examples, successes, and failures, with a focus on host countries. 
Regions where the workshops will be implemented: 
a. Brazil (Amazon, Minas, Northeast river, South) (coordinated by AVINA Curitiba) 
b. Northern Andes (coordinated by AVINA Ecuador, AVINA Colombia and Puentes Internacionales) 
c. Patagonia, Chile, Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Santa Cruz, Asuncion, and Montevideo (coordinated by AVINA Patagonia and Puentes Internacionales) 
d. Mesoamerica (Coordinated by AVINA Mesoamerica and Puentes Internacionales) 
Each workshop will be accompanied by activities to orient the public towards ecosystem service markets when the workshops is held, including: 
a. Public seminars directed by some visitors and local personnel for approximately 150 key attendees; 
b. Interviews with local news media; 
c. Meetings with partners. 

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